Köfa Agape

Köfa Perintis manandro ba pelabuhan Gunungsitoli
(15 Feb 2009. Arsip pribadi)

Köfa Agape no köfa si föföna solaya ba gotalua Gunungsitoli ba Danö Niha ba Sibolga ba Danö Sumatera. Föna we'aso göfa Agape, so ha'uga göfa geu side'ide si töra gurahu sebua moroi ba göfa,[1] ba hiza lö molaya ira ero ma'ökhö, irege lö la'ila lafa'anö wofanöra niha. Ha itaria moloyo ira na so gama-gama ni'ohera lumalö ba Danö Niha ma zui ba Danö Sumatera. Agape no sindruhu köfa ba molaya ia ero ma'ökhö.

Waö-waö wanga'asogö Göfa Agape

Tohare göfa Agape ba Danö Niha ba mbawa si fitu 1965, ha dua waŵa fatua lö ira'ui ba dangania (coup ba li Inggris) wamareta Indonesia Soeharto. Me ndröfi andrö la'owasaini 100 ndröfia wanuriaigö Turia Somuso Dödö ba Danö Niha gereja BNKP (yubileum). Ba wangowasaini yubileum andrö labe'e mbuala sambua göfa ira Gereja Protestan Rheinland ba Jerman khö Gereja BNKP.[2]

Börö we'aso göfa Agape andre ato niha moroi ba Danö Niha sofanö-fanö möi ba Sumatera, he ba wowöli soguna khöra ma zui gama-gama wogalera ba he göi ba wangalui fa'auri ba danö Sumatera. Tola taŵa'ö wa fefu niha si no irai manörö köfa möi ba Sumatera aefa ndröfi 1965, si lö tola lö'ö no irai itörö göfa Agape. Da'ö mbörö wa tehöngö sibai göfa andrö ba gotalua Nono Niha.


This article first appeared on Wikipedia Nias which wa still in incubator stage. However I stopped writing there because of aggressive behaviour of one of its editors, who forced the article to be written in an other more known Nias dialect.

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